

A major obstacle in advancing agroecology in the Mekong Region is the lack of robust evidence on the benefits of agroecological practices. This makes it difficult to convince policymakers, consumers, and farmers of its potential. The scarcity of resources in national languages further hinders the dissemination and understanding of agroecology and contributes to the reluctance of key stakeholders to embrace agroecology as a viable path toward sustainable development.


The ALiSEA Knowledge Hub aims to become the leading knowledge resource on agroecology in the Mekong Region. It seeks to facilitate knowledge-sharing and increase the visibility of local and national experience and insights. By promoting a diverse range of knowledge, the hub aspires to inspire stakeholders and foster networking among all actors interested or involved in agroecology.


The ALiSEA Knowledge Hub includes five modules, each providing a specific type of knowledge:

  • People allows users to register and find experts in different disciplines related to agroecology.
  • The Library is a broad collection of articles, reports, and other documents on agroecology.
  • Knowledge Products include selected briefs, agroecology guides, and videos.
  • The Map Explorer can be used to query maps on agroecology initiatives and champions. 
  • The Datablog visualizes interesting facts on agroecology using charts and figures.


The ALiSEA Knowledge Hub is an open-access online resource that consolidates a wide range of knowledge, including scientific articles, testimonies, factsheets on best practices, practitioners’ experiences, and policy briefs, contributed by both members and non-members of the ALiSEA network. While most content is available in English, some resources are also offered in national languages.


The ALiSEA Knowledge Hub was developed in the frame of the Agroecology and Safe Food System Transitions (ASSET) project (2020 – 2025) in collaboration with CDE, GRET, CIRAD, and Mediaseeds. The Knowledge Hub is managed by the regional coordination office of the ALiSEA network with financial support from AFD, the EU, FFEM, and SDC.