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Research article

by Alexander Wezel

Agroecology in Europe. Research, Education, Collective Action Networks, and Alternative Food Systems

This paper (published in Sustainability 2018, 10(4), 1214; attempts to document and provide a mapping of the development of European agroecology in its diverse forms. Through a literature review, interviews, active conference participation, and an extensive internet search we have collected information about the current state and development of agroecology in Europe. Agroecological research and higher education exist more in western and northern Europe, but farm schools and farmer-to-farmer training are also resent in other regions. Today a large variety of topics are studied at research institutions. There is an increasing number of bottom-up agroecological initiatives and national or continental networks and movements. Important movements are around food sovereignty, access to land and seeds. Except for France, there are very few concrete policies for agroecology in Europe. Agroecology is increasingly linked to different fields of agri-food systems. This includes Community Supported Agriculture systems, but also agroecological territories, and some examples of labelling products. To amplify agroecology in Europe in the coming years, policy development will be crucial and proponents of agroecology must join forces and work hand-in-hand with the many stakeholders engaged in initiatives to develop more sustainable agriculture and food systems.

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Promising results of Conservation Agriculture with Cassava cropping systems on Global warming Potential in Cambodia

Evidence on the impacts of long-term cassava-based conservation agriculture systems on soil  organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in Cambodia highlighted that Conservation Agriculture (CA) systems representing credible strategies for the Royal Government of Cambodia to fulfill international conventions (NDC, UNCCD, LDN). In this experiment, the   SOC   sequestration  rates  under   Conservation agriculture systems ranged from […]

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